Dear Spiritual Seeker: Discover The Hidden Message Your Spirit Animal Has Been Holding (And Meet the OTHER Eight Spirit Animals Who Are Waiting To CONNECT With You NOW)

Ancient Technique Helps You Connect With Your Spiritual Messenger For Greater Clarity, Purpose And True Abundance…

It’s Time To Meet Your 8 Personal 
Spirit Animals Today - Before The Connection Is Lost! Here’s Why... 
FROM: Ric & Liz  
Dear Spiritual Seeker,

Imagine you're standing at the edge of a vast, untamed wilderness, and deep within its heart lies the key to experiencing true abundance in your life.

This isn't a fantasy or mystical vision…

It's your spirit animal CALLING OUT to guide you along a path of spiritual enlightenment and personal growth.

You may know what form this creature takes…

But do you truly understand how to connect with its boundless wisdom on a profound level?

Today, we're here to show you an astonishingly simple ancient technique to connect to these spiritual messengers...

Helping you find greater peace, clarity and purpose in your life. And let us tell you - it's an incredible feeling!
 So Get Ready To Connect With Your Cosmic Spirit Animal Using Our Time-Tested Method Rooted In Our Ancestral Connection To Nature.
But first we want to make sure you understand why it is so VITAL for you to listen to the messages from your main Spirit Animal, and also be able to CONNECT with your other Spirit Guides during this lifetime…

Because The truth is you've been walking through life with a powerful ally by your side but haven't known how to tap into this force until now.

And how not having a true and direct connection to them is making you feel lost, disconnected, and at the mercy of the “daily drudge,” the people around you, and what you now understand to be your circumstances in life.

Just FYI? This is NOT a natural state of being for you. It’s not “normal” to not know where you’re going, be unclear on your purpose, or feel loneliness and a strange emptiness inside - no matter what other people may tell you!

Because YOU, especially, are meant to be learning about your true purpose from your spirit guides right about now, and be feeling completely protected, surrounded by love and wisdom, sure of which path to take, and excited about the direction your life is going in very soon…

So what’s the deal?

If you’re supposed to be feeling all this certainty and inner love and wisdom, and finding an important role to fulfill in this life, why aren’t you “feeling it”?

Here’s the thing.
Your Spirit Animal has been watching over you since birth, and has been trying to connect with you in person since that day...
But hasn’t been able to get your full attention...

Until now.

Now that you have indicated that you are ready to connect, and have opened your heart and mind to the wisdom and guidance of your spirit animal, they will be communicating with you often, so keep your ears and eyes open...

Be on the lookout for signs, images, messages, and intuitions that come from the most surprising of places!

For example, if you happen to see an image of your spirit animal in an unusual place, such as on a printed picture, in a book, or even on a shirt someone is wearing, you should stop and take a moment to “tune in” and see what they are trying to tell you.

Take close note of anything around you at that moment, what people are saying to you, if there are any written messages around the image, or even just what thoughts are passing through your head at that moment…

What might those words or actions be telling you on a spiritual level?

This is how you begin to actively notice, listen, and receive messages from your spirit animal, not just in dreams, but as you go about your ordinary day.

We are here to help you connect with your animal spirit guide completely, so you can finally hear the secret instructions and messages they’ve been holding for you and you alone.

Speaking of which, one of the very first messages we received when we were searching for your spirit animal, was that they are not alone. Here is what they told us to tell you…
 My fellow wild spirit.  You and I are much alike.  Do not despair that other humans may not understand you.  You walk a path little-known to the Modern world.  Know that if you follow your true calling, and be honest about what you know in your heart, your deep instincts will never fail you.  Also know that you are NOT alone.   Besides me, there are eight other spirit animals from different species, who are waiting here to speak with you.  Join us...
If We Understand This Message Correctly,
What They Are Saying Is Your Primary Spirit
Animal Is Not The Only One You Have!..
We looked into this matter for you, and we discovered that there are actually eight more spirit guides who have been watching over you, and waiting for you to be ready to connect with them and hear the messages they have for you during this lifetime…

These eight spirit guides also chose you on the day you were born, based on the exact way the heavens were aligned that day, and were gathered around you at that moment in time (even though you were too young to understand)…
Together With Your Birth Animal, These Are The Guides Of The Animal World Who Have CHOSEN To Watch Over You, Now, And Until The End Of Time...
And as you journey into the sacred realm of spirit animals, you’ll discover a world ABUNDANT with divine symbols and profound meanings.

Your spirit animals serve as luminous guides, offering insights into your deepest desires, strengths, and potential pitfalls.

Each animal carries a unique message or lesson that can guide you on your soul's path.

This ancient wisdom, deeply rooted in indigenous traditions, has often been overshadowed by modern society.

Yet, it holds the KEY to you navigating life's challenges with grace and resilience.

These creatures come forward depending on the direction your life takes or the challenges presented before you…

They provide a mirror to your soul, reflecting back what you need to see about yourself.

For example, if you're undergoing a period of change or transition, you might feel drawn towards the butterfly - a symbol of transformation and rebirth.

Or perhaps you require strength and courage at this moment; then resonating with the lion - an emblem of bravery and leadership - would be fitting.

And because you have chosen to connect with your Primary Spirit Animal today…

The veils between you and the spirit world are thin which means it is the PERFECT TIME for you to discover and connect with ALL of your spirit guides!

We are standing by, ready to help locate and bring you into communication with your spirit guides, right now…but only if you can take action on this here and now.

After today, we may lose touch with your family of Spirit Animals entirely. So before you go…
The Best Way For You To Connect With
Your Other Eight Spirit Guides Is To Go On
A “Spirit Walk” With Your Birth Animal
For just $27 you will get instant access to your Spirit Animal Magic Sacred Meditation, and then you will receive your two Rose Quartz Crystal Hearts to enhance your ritual in the mail as soon as possible. You will also get a 7 day full access free trial to the Cosmic Energy Banks, to continue at $19.97 per month if you decide to keep your subscription (easily cancel any time).
SPIRIT ANIMAL MAGIC, a Sacred Meditation Ritual, can guide you on your journey, step-by-step!

On this journey together with your Birth Spirit Animal, you will be able to safely discover and connect with the other eight animals who, together, form the Sacred Nine of your company of lifelong spirit guides!
NOTE: We do not recommend trying to go on a Spirit Walk alone, without a spirit guide or professional instructions and guidance.

Don’t worry, if you have never gone on a Spirit Walk before, this special meditation will take you by the hand and lead you one foot after the other, safely and securely, along the path...simply sit or lie down, plug in your headphones, follow along with your sacred journey from the comfort of your own home!

“Spirit Animal Magic: a Sacred Meditation Ritual” includes...
A guided meditation to bring you into the dream world, meet your eight other animal spirit guides, and return safely and soundly to your home
An experience you can never have in any other way, that you will never forget, and that will alter your understanding of reality completely
The first powerful bonding journey (of many) you will go on with your Birth Animal - a perfect way to connect deeply and establish trust
We are also going to include in your order for FREE, for anyone who can send in their order today, a very special Sacred Grounding Tool to use during your Sacred Meditation Ritual:
Two Rose Crystal hearts that will allow you to connect with Mother Earth with Love and Healing through the feet (complete instructions included)!

These two crystal hearts are our gift to you, because you happened to find your way here today and are ready to open your own mind and soul to the communications of your Nine Spirit Guides, free of fear, and with only love in your heart.
Bonus: If you can order today, we will ship your crystals directly to your doorstep with…

Most people today go through their ENTIRE LIVES never knowing who their spirit animals are, connecting with them, or experiencing the deep love and guidance that could be theirs, if they were only able to be receptive and answer the call when it comes…

To hear the messages meant for their ears alone, to walk down their one true path in life...most often, without this crucial experience, they end up feeling alienated and lost, wondering if there wasn’t “something more” they were missing...

We don’t want that to be you!

It is our Mission to teach you how to invoke this sacred presence in your life, and show the spirits that you are open to their advice and guidance, so that you can receive their help, starting this very moment.

We encourage you to prepare a sacred space (in the real world) to do your ritual in, while you wait for your crystals to arrive - and to clear the energies (with sage or whichever smudge you prefer) so that you will be able to sit down and listen to your meditation with a clear heart, mind, and physical space when everything is ready.

We’re going to show you how to get your Spirit Animal Magic Meditation delivered directly to your inbox, and your two crystals to your doorstep so that you can finally see everything inside that is meant for you, and you alone...but first...
Imagine How Your Life Will Change...
...When you are able to call on and connect with your Spirit Animals whenever you need to for guidance or support.

...When you are able to see them when they appear to you symbolically during your “ordinary” day, bringing you hope and confirmation that you’re on the right path.

...When you start each day with “eyes wide open” for personal messages from your spirit guides, so you can watch out for the opportunities they are sending your way - and avoid any obstacles they can see coming up for you.

All of this can happen for you (just as it’s already happening for those who have finally been able to connect with their spirit animals through this sacred meditation) once you have your items in your hands and are ready to commence your ritual!

We Have Arranged For A Certain Number Of These Special Packages That Include Both Your Sacred Meditation AND The Rose Crystal Hearts To Be Given Away
For Under $50, To Those Who Ask

Here's How To Get Each And Every Item That Is Meant For You, Delivered Today...
With No Delay

Simply tap the Big Red Button below in the next 5 minutes, and you will receive…
The Exact Spirit Walk meditation you must go on to put your body and mind in the perfect state to connect with your eight spirit guardians and begin to hear their messages for you.
Two Rose Quartz Crystal Hearts that you can use while doing your meditation ritual so you can connect strongly with Mother Earth and be safely grounded for your Spirit Walk (complete instructions included).
PLUS We’ll Give You A 7 Day FREE Trial to the Cosmic Energy Banks so you can go in and experience the sacred healing power of the Universe through the images charged by our resident Reiki Master (includes the Spirit Animal Energy Bank and the Shamanic Rituals & Healing Sessions Bank).

...and the best part is, ALL of this can yours today with ZERO SHIPPING or handling charges, for just $90 $27 TODAY once you tap the Big Red Button below that says “YES I want to connect to my guides!”

For just $27 you will get instant access to your Spirit Animal Magic Sacred Meditation, and then you will receive your two Rose Quartz Crystal Hearts to enhance your ritual in the mail as soon as possible. You will also get a 7 day full access free trial to the Cosmic Energy Banks, to continue at $19.97 per month if you decide to keep your subscription (easily cancel any time).
Please pay close attention, because we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase today, and if you’re not we will make it absolutely simple and easy for you to cancel at any time. Here’s how to use your package when it arrives:
Be sure to clear and prepare a sacred space for your Spirit Walk meditation. 
Then, when you get your Meditation, please open it and listen to the beginning part just to make sure all your gear is working and you will be able to hear every word perfectly clearly.
We want you to have everything ready to go because...
As soon as you receive your Heart Rose Quartz Crystals in the mail, we want you to be able to do your Spirit Walk meditation with your Birth Animal right away!
And of course, while you wait, you can go in and test out each of the Energy Banks, and see for yourself what it’s like to tap into the natural healing energy of the Cosmos any time you need it.
IF you are truly ready to hear what your eight spirit guides have to convey about your true nature and the path you are meant to walk in this lifetime, this will be a truly life-altering event for you.

Ok! Are you ready to go on your first Spirit Walk with your Birth Animal to discover the world of magic and spiritual guidance that’s been waiting for you all this time?

Just tap the Big Red Button below and we’ll send all your special ritual items off in the mail asap:
For just $27 you will get instant access to your Spirit Animal Magic Sacred Meditation, and then you will receive your two Rose Quartz Crystal Hearts to enhance your ritual in the mail as soon as possible. You will also get a 7 day full access free trial to the Cosmic Energy Banks, to continue at $19.97 per month if you decide to keep your subscription (easily cancel any time).
We are so happy you found your way here today! Having seen how our own lives have changed after being connected with our own Spirit Animal Guides, we can’t wait to see what will happen for you once you have this sacred connection in your life, too! 
Much love and light, 
Liz & Ric Thompson
Founders, CosmicVibes &
P.S. Your intuition guided you here today, of all days, to connect with the eight other Spirit Animals who have been watching over you since birth. Think about that.

They have just been “waiting in the forest” to see what you are going to do today…

And we’re quite sure that they, just like us, are hoping you will take that short step from where you are now to where they are…

So you can FINALLY hear the secret and powerful knowledge they hold about you and your True Path - that can help you to navigate the very interesting times coming up for you in your lifetime.

The love of a Spirit Animal is not like the love of humans... it is unconditional, and it is forever. We can’t wait for you to feel it in your own life…

So please tap the button below and we will connect you up so you can receive your sacred meditation tool today!
For just $27 you will get instant access to your Spirit Animal Magic Sacred Meditation, and then you will receive your two Rose Quartz Crystal Hearts to enhance your ritual in the mail as soon as possible. You will also get a 7 day full access free trial to the Cosmic Energy Bank, to continue at $19.97 per month if you decide to keep your subscription (easily cancel any time).
All rights reserved. © CosmicSpiritAnimal 2024
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